ชุดทดสอบปลายภาค โรงเรียนโยนออฟอาร์ค
สาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 6
ประจำภาคการศึกษาที่ 2 ปีการศึกษา 2554
....................... ชั้น ......... เลขที่ .......
Decode phonics and find
wrong pronunciation
1. A. government /ˈɡʌvərnmənt/ กัฟเวินเมินท
B. octopus /ˈɒktəpəs / ออคเทอเพิส
C. island /ˈaɪlənd/ ไอสเลินด
D. bargain /ˈbɑː.gɪn/ บากิน
2. A. ocean
/ โอเฌิน
B. pomelo /ˈpɑ mə ləʊ/ พอมเมอโล
C. fortune /'fɔ:rtʃən / ฟอจูน
D. biography /baɪ ˈɑ ɡrə fi/ ไบออเกรอฟิ
3. A. zero
/ˈzɪərəʊ/ เซียโร
B. monarch /ˈmɒnək/ มอนาช
village /ˈvɪlɪdʒ/ วิลลิจ
D. today /təˈdeɪ/ เทอเด
4. A. expensive
/ɪkˈspensɪv/ อิคสเพนสิฟ
B. extra /ˈekstrə/ เอคสเทรอ
C. stomachache [ˈstʌməkeɪk] สตัมเมิคเอค
D. plumber /ˈplʌmə / พลัมเบอ
5. A. crisis /ˈkrai.sis/ คริสิส
B. quay /kiː/ คี
C. saliva /səˈlaivə/ เซอไลเวอ
D. police /pəˈliːs/ เพอลีส
6. A. salary
[sælərɪ] แสลเลอริ
B. hippopotamus [ˌhɪpəˈpɒtəməs] ฮิพโพโพเทมัส
C. potato [pəˈteɪtəʊ] เพอเทโท
D. cousin [ˈkʌzn] คัทซึน
Maria Guyomar de Pinha (Tanquimar) was born
in Ayutthayain 1664, was a Siamese woman of
the 17th. She married a
Greekadventurer Constantin Phaulkon (Chaopraya Wichayane) who was an official of King Narai
Then Constantin Phaulkon were
killed from politics problems. After that was the age of Pra Petracha. The
son of Pra Petracha(Prachao Suer, the secret son of King Narai) wanted Maria
to be a concubine but Maria refused. So she was bullied into hard working all
the time but never changed her mind to accept being a concubine. Later she
couldn’t stand it any longer. She escaped until she met Orkyar Kosartipbordee (Parn).
He accepted her to be his imprisoner for 2 years. Maria tried to
continue cooking her food to sent to palace. Finally,she was invited to
palace to be a chef of cuisine. She applied Portuguese food better.
7. Who is the same person?
a. ChaoprayaWichayane
: Maria Guyomar de Pinha
King Narai : Orkyakosartipbordee
c. Prachaosuer
: The secret son of King Narai
Tanquimar : Constantin Phalkon
8. Who was not the same
a. ChaoprayaWichayane
: Constantin Phalkon
b. Parn:
c. Prachaosuer
: Prapetracha
d. Tanquimar
: Maria Guyomar de Phina
9. Who wanted Maria to be a
concubine ?
a. ChaoprayaWichayane
c. Prachaosuer
d. King
10. Why was Maria bullied?
a. She
refused to be a concubine.
b. She
cooked well.
c. Her
husband died.
d. She
couldn’t cook well
11. What happened to Maria
after she had escaped from Prachaosuer?
a. She
was sent into the cuisine
She accepted help from Orkyakosar Parn.
c. She
met a new husband.
Prachaosuer followed her.
About grandma of Maria (the niece of Saint Francis Savior)
, once she was punished by Toyotomi Hideyoshi who expelled Catholic people and
sent to Vietnam. She was stuffed into a sack and was coveyed into a ship
including a number of deportees. That ship,she met a prince of Japan who was a
deportee as well. They decided to settle down in Ayutthaya .
12. Where did grandma and
grandpa of Maria meet each other
a. In a
ship b.
In a train
c. In a
palace d. on an
13. What was the relationship
between prince of Japan with Maria?
a. grandpa and
b. Father and daughter
c. Husband and wife
d. Brother and sister
Which is not passive voice
14. a. Sara
has been crying all the time.
Malisa has been blamed all the time.
Lisa is being reminded to remember her mistake.
Kantima was let to go outside this morning.
15. A.Klara will
be blamed about her mistake tomorrow.
B.This monument has been designed since 1999.
C.The book is named as a bestseller.
D.I am bored because I have been waiting for you for two
16. A. Leela
was interested in your creative innovation.
B. The used paper is recycled into many new products.
C. The novel has been written by an anonymous writer.
D. He had been returned home before dying.
17. A.We will have
been assigned to be knights of our king.
husband will be followed by many conservators.
C.Ann was considered to be a popular reporter last month.
D.He is excited
to see a new baby.
Phrasal verbs
Which is not suitable reason.
18. A.If you get into
something, you become interested in it.
something get on your nerves, it annoys you.
you get on with something, you continue doing it.
you get on well with someone, you don’t like being with him or her.
19. A. If you get over
something, you recover from it.
B.I must get on with this letter because I want
to send it today.
C. If I lived near the airport ,the noise would get on my
D. If you had had
more help, you would not have got over the accident more.
20. A. If you always
swim, you will get fit.
B. Don’t get close to
the bear, it is a beast.
C .She never get lonely because nobody loves her.
D.Every day I got back to the cave dwelling to have great dinner.
21. Which is the
wrong match.

Topic of Grammar
Tell that : this structure is
about ___________ .
22. Swimming is the
best aerobic sport.
gerund b. infinitive c.
past form d. present participle
23. Marisa has been
waiting for your husband all the time.
a. Past Tense b. Present Perfect
c. Past Perfect Continuous d. Present Perfect Continuous
24.He hates the barking
dog because he is barked every day.
a. Present
Participle , Passive Voice of Present Tense
b. Present
Participle , Passive Voice of Past Tense
c. Gerund ,
Passive Voice of Present Tense
d. Gerund ,
Passive Voice of Past Tense
25.Have you done the ironing yet
a. Present Tense ,
b. Past Tense , Gerund
c. Present Perfect ,
d. Present Perfect ,
Present Participle
26. “Why does the sun go
on shining ?”
Why does the sea rush to shore ?
Don’t they know it’s the end of the world ?
Cause you don’t love me anymore”
A. Gerund ,
Present Tense
B. Present
participle , Present Tense
C. Gerund ,Infinitive
D. Infinitive
, Present Tense
27. V.to be + present
participle หมายถึง ?
a. Present
b. Present
c. Present Continuous
d. Present Perfect Continuous
28. V.to have + past
participle หมายถึง ?
a. Present Simple
b. Present Perfect
c. Present
Continuous d. Present Perfect
Vocabulary : context clue
29.The large diamond ________
his wife.
a. bores b.fascinates c.tires d.exhausts
30.They built the fence to
_______ the bounsaries of the land.
b.draw c.paint
31.The government ________ my
military service last year.
deleted b. deferred c. decoded
d. debate
32. The incentive bonus
________ the employees last year.
encouraged b.enclose
c.enterprise d.enrich
33. His tescher told him to
abstain from _______ marijuana yesterday.
a. drinking b.eating c.touching d.smoking
34. Maxi always applies many
new ways to improve our products.
We can
named Maxi that ____________ .
a.innovator b.interpreter c.innocent d. inspector
35. We call who knows
everything about bar that bartender
Of this case means
_____________________ .
bartender b.femal bartender
c.who knows d.who loves
c.who knows d.who loves
36. Organisms that are
anatomically and physiologically adapted
to eat plant-based foods.
carnivore b.
herbivore c. philanthropy d. manuscript
37. showing the love of
humanity by giving things to poorers.
inspector b.
philanthropy c.
philosopher d. inventor
Vodka is a clear liquor
manufactured from ethyl alcohol. It lacks color, and normally has very little
taste or aroma. It is said to have been originally created from potatoes
in Russia for medicinal purposes. Nowadays, Vodka is distilled from barley,
wheat or rye.
Gin - Gin or Compound
gin is made by simply flavoring neutral spirit with essences and/or other
'natural flavorings‘Distilled gin is produced exclusively by redistilling ethyl
alcohol of agricultural origin with an initial strength of at least 96% ABV
38. Which is true?
Vodka has good
B. There is no smell in vodka
c. Gin has colour but vodka
has no colour
d. Both has no smell.
39. Which is the special
process of Gin?
a. Redistilling b. fermentation
c. distilled from
barley d. made from potato
40. Both vodka and Gin has no
smell b. colour c.
taste d.
จงบอก Tense ของ Passive Voice
1.The building has been
designed by Nicolas. _________________________
2.Who is blamed about coming
late. ________________________________
3.Wilawan was named as a
perfect housewife. ________________________
4.Marisa and Irin have been
met in the cave. __________________________
5.They are hunted to make some
food. ______________________________
1. คุณทำให้ฉันพอใจ
2. เขาทำให้ฉันเบื่อ
3. พวกเขาทำให้ฉันเหนื่อย
4. ฉันเบื่อ
5. ฉันยินดีที่ได้รับใช้คุณ